SQL Query

Select Datasource

After opening the workspace, a datasource selection interface will automatically pop up, where you can choose the datasource under the workspace from the dropdown menu. sql_select.png

Create File

You can quickly create files from the database objects list, or right-click to create in the file list. sql_file_1.png sql_file_2.png sql_file_3.png

SQL Query


Data Export

After obtaining the query results, clicking ​Export​ button allows you to choose between ​"Current Table"​ or ​"All Data",The ​"Current Table"​ option only exports the data displayed on the frontend. The ​"All Data" option generates a back-end export task. You will need to manually download the file after the task completes. data_export_1.png Choose "All Data" data_export_2.png View export result data_export_3.png

Data Import

Right-click on a table or view, select ​Import/Export​ from the menu, and then choose ​Import Data from File. data_import_1.png Choose truncate table data_import_2.png Select file data_import_3.png Preview task info data_import_4.png View import result data_import_5.png

Run History
